Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Studio 60 - B-12 episode

However, if everyone is worked up about the sub-plot, which is also what my friend was talking about this morning, lets list them.

1. No Writing Crew
(a.) Lucy and Darius - Worst Criminal Sketch
(b.) Mitzphaph (sp? (hebrew))

2. Real Life Rears its Head
(a.) Sketch cancelled
(b.) New Sketch
(i.) Spitting

3. Jordan
(a.) Her -NBS need to address the press
(i.) Time Interview
(ii.) Dilbert 27 Redux

(b.) Pregnancy

4. Sick sickness - B-12
(a.) Pregenancy
(b.) Spitting

5. Rain

6. Martha Article
(a.) Dilbert 27

7. Harriet Joke

I desperately need to do some work, so I can dedicate any more time but it look coherent and many weave in and out, the pregnancy thing seems like it was written by a dramatic Larry David.

The double Howie Mandel thing was stylistic, as was the lighting issue, but I thought both worked well with the episode and everyone is right the second mandel was too long and some of the music was too long, but if you consider how heavy some of the subject matter was and how many plots and subs there were the episode needed space....


Sunday, July 23, 2006

IBS - The Downfall of Society?

Can a gastrointestinal illness be the downfall of society? I say emphatically yes.

The fact that there is a sudden explosion of cases of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (aka the inability to control one's bowel movements to a normal level), I feel should signal that something is clearly wrong, above and beyond the blatant medical wrong.

There are two prongs to this dilemma.

1st movement: The obvious one, is that something is so wrong with these people that somehow they have no longer have any say in when they are to use the bathroom. Traditionally, one is able to maintain enough control that they can dictate to some degree when and where a needed bathroom visit ("visit") will take place.

Now, unfortunately, with the increased cases of IBS many times I will be in a meeting and have to stop because someone has to make a visit. Sometimes the needed visits come with such frequency that the ebb and flow of the meeting becomes so disjointed that to continue is futile and we simply call it a day. (This happens most frequently when the meeting involves two(2) IBS victims.)

I personally have contemplated discrimination on the basis of IBS, by only engaging in meetings with non-IBS persons. And this I feel is where the downfall begins.
Either by:
(i.) Increased discrimination or
(ii.) The needed frequency of visits leading to not only the ineffectiveness of my personal meetings but of larger and more important societal functions.

If people can not be accounted for because they in effect are being run by IBS, since the IBS is in control of these people and their schedules, then how can life effectively run. Call me a doomsdayer but I see a serious problem on the rise.

2nd movement: The second part of the sign of the impending downfall of society is that people who have IBS will join together in their suffering and will bring their problems into the open forum of everyday life ( a common psychological phenomena of those who have suffered a shared tragedy, is a bonding together and an inherent connection to each other).

Again we have potential for discrimination, but in the reverse from what I noted above. Here, I foresee those with IBS banding together and resenting those with control of their bowel movements. For example, picture two IBSer's both fresh off a visit and talking to each about a third either: coworker or friend who is not afflicted with IBS. I envision one saying to the other:

"Oh, s/he thinks they are so cool (smart,awesome....) walking around with total control of their bowels, with out a care in the world. S/he will never know what we go through..."

The discrimination starts there and will run rampid. But if again if that is too severe a conclusion to come to, then the second problem with the bonding together of IBS-ers and I have experienced this myself, is the increased conversations involving ones bowel movements.

Granted, our society has had a preference for low brow humor and that alone is troubling but to give thousands of americans an additional chance to discuss their movements in a everyday and accepted way, may be the straw that breaks our cultural back.

I could go one but feel I have exhausted this topic.... Look for upcoming posts:

How to live with IBS?
How to live with someone who has IBS?
How to plug the damn that is IBS?

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The real motivation behind Body Wash

The problem of Pubic Hair on the Soap.

It is as simple as that. The hygene (soap) companies knew that if they could find a way to rid the shower experience of having to endure the sight of pubic hair on the soap and the problem of trying to get the hair off the soap before using it, they would clearly have the edge over traditional soap.

However, they have seen only marginal success due to their inability to properly market the product as the cure to pubic hair stuck on the soap. The real question facing these companies today, is how to tactfully advertise their product over traditional soap, when the main selling point involves pubic hair.....

Lawyer joke #667

If you can't beat 'em, enjoin em'....

If that is a long standing joke, I had never heard it and if it is either not funny or non-sensical then I apoloize.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Today I feel like....

life is a charade of misery and deceit

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Day 1, hour 1

Blog titled for the famed John Goodman quote in "Lebowski", Addressed in respect to all of those fabulous people from the Bay state